Instagram and Facebook paid?
We all know that Apple's movement towards transparency of apps hasn't been very good for Zuckerberg. It seems they are going to lose a lot of money if people don't accept the tracking that their apps do while we browse them.
It seems that the team behind the creator of Facebook has found a way to scare iOS users into agreeing to tracking their apps. Here we show you the way they have come out of the hat to achieve it.
Instagram and Facebook paid if app tracking is not accepted:
As we show you below, the applications explain to us why they ask for tracking to be activated in their apps and on their websites. In our case, we show you what appears on Facebook, but we assure you that the same thing happens on Instagram.
Facebook payment
We would like you to look at the text that accompanies the thumbs up symbol so characteristic of Facebook. As you can read, it says "Continue offering Facebook without charges", which gives us to understand that if the tracking is not accepted, the app may become paid.
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Once we read it and click on continue, it's time to accept or not that trace.
Allow Facebook tracking or not
It's your decision to accept or not. We cannot help you in this aspect, but we can tell you that your experience on Facebook will not change and will continue to be as it has been until now, if you accept it. If you decide to select not to be tracked by the app, the experience will be similar but without ads that may interest you. Ads will still appear.
Now it's time to decide if you want them personalized, at the cost of tracking the app, or you don't want them personalized, increasing your privacy in the application.
And what have you decided to do?