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If you're a follower of Dragon Ball and you have a iPhone You're going to hallucinate!!!. In June comes a tremendous game based on this cult series, followed by millions of people around the planet.

Bandai Namco , the developer of this great game, has launched the pre-sale of this game. Although the release date is scheduled for June 14, 2018, it is possible to reserve it, right now, at the App Store.

How Dragon Ball Legends will be on iOS:

To give you an idea, you just have to watch the following video:

What do you think? It has left us amazed. That is why we have decided to reserve it.

Epic battle game in which we can face each of the characters from this manga series.

Dragon Ball Legends will be played using a card system when executing melee attacks. If a correct combination of cards is made, destructive attacks can be launched.

Obviously it's an online game, so we can play against other users from anywhere in the world. Additionally, Bandai announced that the game will have a reduced amount of lag, coming in at 150ms. To achieve this, Dragon Ball Legends will use the company's Cloud Platform service.

Everything indicates that the game will be FREE but with in-app purchases.

How to pre-order Dragon Ball Legends on iPhone:

All you have to do is click on the following link:

As you will see, the game will appear with the option to reserve. We simply have to click on Obtain.

Dragon Ball Legends

By clicking on the reservation, you let us know that nothing will be charged until the app is published in the Apple app store.

Reserving Dragon Ball Legends

We have already reserved it ;).

Dragon Ball Legends Reserved