
Focus by Firefox

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Since the arrival of the possibility of installing ad blockers and tracking systems in Safari thanks to iOS 9, blockers have not stopped appearing, and we have already told you about one of them like Presto or 1Blocker. Today we are going to talk about Focus by Firefox, Mozilla's ad blocker which seems to have got its act together on iOS, since it recently launched its browser for iOS.


The advantages that Focus by Firefox offers us is that in addition to blocking ads automatically and without the need to configure anything, whatever type they are, and therefore that the pages web that we visit load faster, it also gives us the possibility to customize the level of privacy, since we can choose to block tracking systems such as those used to perform statistics on visits, location, etc., and social trackers.

When opening Focus by Firefox, it will show us the steps to follow to start using the blocker, and those steps, which are the same ones used to activate all the blockers, are the following:

First of all, we need to open the Settings. Once in the Settings, we must search for Safari, and within Safari, click on Content Blockers. Within Content Blockers we will find those that we have installed, and we must enable Focus.

Once these steps have been followed, we have to go back to the Focus app to choose the level of privacy we want to have with Focus. We can choose between several options: Block ad trackers, block analytics trackers, block social trackers, and block other trackers.The recommended configuration is to have the first three options blocked, since if we block other trackers, we may not be able to play videos or other elements, as announced by a pop-up tab when clicked.

Focus by Firefox is completely free, and unlike others, you don't need to make in-app purchases to activate all its features. You can download it from here.