We love the interface. Simple and minimalist, it shows only what is not interesting without further ado.
Under the logo of the app we see a scroll where we can navigate through previous days and see the recipes that stand out each day and under it we will see the activity we carry out on this platform.
We have to clarify that a recipe is an order that you give so that when two conditions are met it is executed. In this case the conditions are linked to different applications that iFTTT supports.
In the upper left part we have access to the app's settings, channels, introduction to the application
Going back to the main screen, we see that in the upper right part we have a button characterized by a kind of mortar, with which we access our recipes.
At the top of this menu we have the "+" button with which we can create a new personal recipe. At the same height but on the opposite side, we have a button characterized by glasses, with which we can probe the market for famous recipes and where we can choose the one we want and apply it to our 2.0 life.
As you can see, a submenu appears at the bottom where we can:
- FEATURED : Recipes recommended by IFTTT users .
- TRENDING : We can see the most used recipes at the moment we consult this option.
- ALL TIME : The most used recipes of all time.
- SEARCH : Recipe search engine.
To begin with, we must register with the channels with which we want to operate. To do this we must go to the configuration button that appears on the main screen and select the option « CHANNELS «.
In it we will choose the channels that we want to use to create a recipe, entering our access data for said platforms. For example, if we want to register the INSTAGRAM channel, we will look for the app icon, click on it and enter our access data.
After signing up for the channels we want, we are ready to create our recipe, which we can search for (there are thousands of them) and create it.
In the video that we offer you below we explain how to create a recipe in which we order that every time we post a photo on our INSTAGRAM account, we save the photo in our SKYDRIVE account :
Magnificent tool to automate orders from social networks, programs, apps that we use daily on the Internet. The possibilities are endless.
We have been using it for a long time both on the web and personally and it works great. As soon as you get the hang of it, you can automate activities that you perform manually, with the consequent saving of time in their execution.
There are recipes as curious as the one that sends us an email every time it is forecast that it is going to rain in our area. Impressive right?
To download it press HERE.