This is a type of clothing that humans use to protect themselves from cold weather. For that reason, the coats should be placed over the rest of the garments that are normally used. They are generally made of thick fabric or wool itself and are usually long-sleeved. It is important to note that the coat is also often called depending on the outerwear in question, that is: covered, jacket, especially, just to mention some of the most popular. The word shelter comes from the Latin “apricus”. Another use of the term is applied to refer to a place, either natural or artificial, which maintains a higher temperature than its surroundings and prevents the wind from entering.In other words, it works as a kind of refuge from inclement weather.
This garment throughout the history of man has had special importance. Although its main function has been to protect people from the cold, it has also served as an expression of the social status a person had in a certain society. An example of this was when, in the times of the Roman Empire, men who were free dressed and wore a toga while slaves did not enjoy such benefit. later, in the 19th century, the coat par excellence used by the wealthy class was the so-called frock coat.
A meaning apart from the garment, is the one that designates an element, an object, which is used to defend itself or mitigate the action of the cold. In addition, it applies to the shelter that has the objective of isolating someone from the cold, it is called shelter. While from a symbolic point of view the concept of shelter is used in everyday language as a synonym for a kind of help, protection and protection that an individual has from someone or a group of people.
It is important to note that the history of the coat is not only related to climate protection, since this term also allowed to establish a certain social position and mark differences with respect to other people.