
What is acrophobia? »Its definition and meaning


This term is of Greek origin "akra" (heights) and "phobia" (fear). Acrophobia is the excessive fear of heights. This irrational fear of being in a high part and believing that they are going to fall can cause the person to present a psychological discomfort that prevents them from carrying out their normal activities.

This term made its first appearances in the late 19th century, when a famous Italian psychiatrist Andrea Verga began to study the symptoms of this condition and was able to explain it. Scientific studies determined that this phobia of heights can occur in certain circumstances and manifest itself with high levels of anxiety. This usually occurs in late childhood or early adulthood, which can be the result of strong psychological pressure or stress.

This phobia can be suffered by anyone because there is no profile that precedes it that can tell us who is more likely to suffer from this phobia. Those who suffer from this phobia cannot bear to look out on a balcony or approach the edge of a cliff, this produces a high level of anxiety and usually ends in a panic attack.

Apart from the psychological symptoms suffered by the acrophobic person when they are in a situation of unevenness or loss of balance, they can also present physical disorders such as: increased heart rate, muscle tension, dizziness, digestive problems, among others. To treat acrophobia, specialists use various techniques such as relaxation in which the patient learns to control anxiety and nerves in situations that suspect the appearance of fear. There is also the behavioral technique where the patient is slowly exposed to heights instead of avoiding it.