
What is watery? »Its definition and meaning


The term aqueous or aqueous, refers in a literary sense to any substance that is predominantly liquid, or that is irretrievably related to that chemical state of physical matter, to cite a possible use within the daily use is; "After the rain, the whole patio was watery from receiving so much water . "

The term has a very varied number of implementations in everyday language, but used with greater breadth and accuracy in the environment of theoretical and applied sciences. The word has several contextual applications, always oriented to the description of a circumstance of a physical and chemical nature. In the scientific environment it is adapted to describe different phenomena in which the physical quality of the liquid state is paramount, applied to describe states of matter, and even as a substance in various chemical laboratory studies, where an aqueous medium could well act as a concentration diluent, as well as a container environment for other substances.

Also making part of this term in the descriptive anatomical area, it fulfills a certain custom, obtaining a name that describes a part of the body, specifically the eye, it is here that we speak of aqueous humor, a liquid substance that performs different functions in the organ in charge vision. This ocular structure called aqueous humor is made up of ninety-eight percent (98%) of water.. Among its most prominent functions is to act as a support structure for the parts with which it adjoins, it plays a very important role in the exchange of oxygen and nutrients with avascularized ocular parts such as the lens and the cornea. Its chemical composition is based on proteins, enzymes, sodium and potassium. It should be noted that increased pressure on this structure is the main cause of glaucoma.

Being a term that has as a synonym water, or liquid substances, its use is also accepted in tasks such as climate predictions (meteorology) and also in the ecological area, where it can be used to describe environments or ecosystems whose development is water, springs, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds, seas and oceans are watery bodies where hundreds of life forms reside.