It is a reaction of the body to something external, it causes the defense system of the human body to activate and a symptom occurs that usually causes complications and various problems, reacting involuntarily and immunity in the body. Allergies are many and although humans share them, they do not necessarily suffer from them and even then they do not present the same symptoms and the way of treating it is different.
The wide variety of allergies range from allergies to pollen, to the fragrances that some plants or flowers give off, to animals, to dust, to plastic or some component of it, strong detergents or soaps, even cosmetics such as lipstick, perfumes or body creams suffered by both women and men, food can cause allergies of great concern such as squid, gluten, soy, or peanuts that become the number one enemy of some people, since without their due to timely treatment can cause death.
Perhaps the allergy is not a major evil by itself, it is the effects it produces in the body that endangers a person, since in many cases the visible symptoms are not shown but are internally producing inflammation, of inside out in a very slow and prolonged time leaving the person breathless that if not diagnosed in time can cause a greater evil; because suffering from an allergy is easy and simple and without being able to realize it, through the consumption of a food product, by inhalation or by contact or application directly to the skin.
Being a response of the immune system to something that is not natural for it, there is an average of two people in ten who suffer from some type of allergy, a very marked index to suffer them is the genetic predisposition of a person. The symptoms vary with each person and with each type of allergy, the most visible and common are nasal and bronchial mucus causing asthma, swelling and redness of the eyes and face, stomach upset that causes poor digestion, the skin becomes It becomes thick and red with spots, the body swelling in parts causing itching, in many cases all the senses are involved from the ears to the palate with a slight swelling and itching sensation.