
¿Qué es alma? » su definición y significado


Se describe como alma a la esencia de cada ser vivo, aquello que fomenta la identidad siendo este el regalo del padre celestial que hará único a cada individuo, según el latín “anima” el alma seria el soplo, el aliento de cada ser vivo, es decir, hace referencia el principio vital de todo organismo viviente.

According to this broad concept, it is not possible to differentiate whether or not it is part of the body structure of the individual, for some religions the soul is the intangible or the section not belonging to the body, that is, it would be what leaves the body after the death affirming theory about transmigration of souls from the world of the living to the world of the dead, thus describing what is the immortal capacity of each individual since the body stops working but the soul does not.

Many years before Christ, philosophers described souls as the principle of thought or knowledge, this being an intangible property of the human body but directly dependent on the brain activity of each individual, over the years this word was replaced by "mind ”. According to the previous concept it is said that not only humans have a soul, but also animals have it, in fact this was witnessed by Pope “John Paul II” calling for awareness regarding the care and treatment of them, From there, the movements against animal abuse took more strength and awareness was strengthened regarding the correct care that should be taken for these living beings.

A common confusion is given between the terms of soul and spirit, being an error, since the spirit would be the energy that the body uses to function, that is, it is the force that keeps the body standing and in constant operation, something similar as the batteries of an electrical equipment, this force being totally impersonal without the ability to influence the feelings, thoughts and attitudes of the human being, however both cannot work if the other the soul needs the spirit and the spirit needs the soul, due to its close relationship is what generates the confusion of using both terms as synonyms.