
What is alluvium? »Its definition and meaning


An alluvium is a stream of water that carries with it all kinds of sediments and that depending on its magnitude can cause floods. Alluvium occurs after heavy rains or as a result of a volcanic eruption or an earthquake. This river of mud brings with it all kinds of material: sand, rocks, branches, etc.

On its way, the alluvium usually increases in size as it carries all kinds of solid waste, generating destruction in its path. In this sense, it should be noted that the alluvium is similar to an avalanche, of course the avalanche originates in the mountains covered with snow.

Geological experts consider that alluvium occurs because the reliefs become weaker with the passage of time and one way to do this is with mud flow displacements. It is important to clarify that rainfall is not the only factor that causes the appearance of alluvium, but also the material available on the slopes of the mountains, which in turn depends on the vegetation cover of the area.

This natural phenomenon is dangerous in various ways: because its consequences can generate human deaths and material losses. Because of how difficult to predict. Because it causes a destruction of the environment.

Here are some of the signs of the early onset of a flood: heavy and constant rain, unexpected rise in water flows, cloudy water in the riverbeds, loud background noise.

On the other hand, in those areas where floods are very frequent, the authorities frequently apply a set of prevention measures. The first thing is to have an evacuation plan, it is also important to plant trees in low places, since in this way the destruction of forest mass is avoided.

Once the alluvium begins, it is best to take refuge in places that are as far away as possible, preferably looking for high areas. Regarding residential buildings that could be affected by alluvium, specialists advise the construction of retaining walls, which can stop the circulation of water and soil from the alluvium. If by chance you are driving and you come to an area affected by a flood, it is best to avoid going through there and get away from the place as soon as possible.