
What is angiomas? »Its definition and meaning


Angiomas hemangiomas, medical term given to some benign tumors ranging from a form of clustering of several blood vessels, can occur with a smooth appearance or a bulge in the skin colored red, but goes mainly in the face such as on the forehead, mouth, nose, neck or the lower part of the neck, it can also appear anywhere on the body.

This group of blood veins can be capillary or arterial veins, which have grown more than normal and occurs frequently at the birth of a baby or after him either in weeks or in the first 2 years of life, in some cases It occurs in childhood, although it does not become a malignant tumor and does not invade other tissue that is not superficial, it does not cause greater severity in the infant than aesthetically speaking, it is believed to be a congenital defect in the development of the baby in the gestation or hereditary, its duration is indeterminate since it can disappear at two years of age, and how it can last the first ten years of life.

They occur in two types of angiomas, the so-called superficial or strawberries, their appearance is from small to large spots in different spaces on the skin and light reddish in color, and the so-called cavernous or deep ones that have bulging bumps of an intense red color. to dark, varying in size, protruding from the skin in small bubbles to a large lump, it can appear in some cases that cover half the face like that of an arm.

Its treatment varies depending on the case and the treating doctor, who may or may not send some medication beyond a simple anti-inflammatory cream and specific care and as there is the possibility of being eliminated with laser surgery, it is better to confirm the possibility well no longer all patients with angiomas need it.