Is a surgical procedure where a balloon is inserted into an artery, which dilates to it since it is located partially or totally close and its primary objective is to increase a regular diameter thereof, helping the same time to the increased blood flow.
A diseased artery presents obstruction when glands Endothelium are formed in a layer that covers its inside the artery, also when filled plates fat or cholesterol, with a clot of blood or the arterial wall is dilated or engorged. It is a procedure that is carried out with a special type of catheter, which has a small balloon at its tip, which in turn is covered by a mesh called Stent, which helps to correct the narrowing of the coronary arteries or veins of Any part of the body, the Stent is introduced folded and inflated, covering the plate or opening the obstruction as it expands, then the balloon is withdrawn, leaving the mesh in place, keeping the arterial duct open and with ahealthy and constant blood flow.
This procedure is performed depending on the type, characteristics and degree of risk of the patient and the obstruction of the arteries that it presents as the site of the body, that is, not all patients are qualified to perform it. Every surgical procedure has risks that must be taken into account before performing it, which can damage other blood vessels and bleed where the catheter and the Stent are inserted, in some cases there is a rejection of the product called contrast used in the operation to be able tovisualize the arteries while the procedure is being performed, causing apparent damage to the kidneys, arrhythmias occur and an emergency intervention may be made to place a coronary bypass, since the artery can become more obstructed than clear it in its entirety. presents heart attacks or strokes among others. All these risks are between 3 and 5% chance of occurring in a patient.