With the term Graphic Arts, reference is made to the elaboration of all kinds of visual elements, mainly made from drawing and engraving techniques, however, this is usually restricted especially to techniques that have some relationship with the printing press. It can be said then that the Graphic Arts include a series of artistic processes whose purpose is to create and elaborate a design, for which a medium is used and the transfer of the aforementioned image to a substrate, developing from there with it an expression of art. Among the main graphic arts can be included various areas such as Graphic Design, the press, the very different printing systems, finishes and binding.
This concept was used for the first time during the framework of one of the most important historical precedents in the history of man, such as the invention of the movable type printing press thanks to the German-born inventor Johannes Gutenberg, in 1450. The concept itself was looking for a way to group all the trades that were related to typographic printing, such as printing, binding, accommodation, finishing, among others
Later, with the passage of the time he invented lithography, this was in a printing system whose creation is credited to Alois Senefelder, the system used a stone limestone and a bar of wax to run an impression, it is even came to revolutionize graphic arts. Some time later, photomechanics emerged, which was established as a new part of the printing process in which large machines were used, as well as special cameras whose function was to divide the color with respect to the images.
At present, graphic arts are used as a means of advertising diffusion, an area in which special importance is given, here it is characterized by the use of various objects such as posters, containers, boxes, logos and images that not only They are found in the physical world but have come to have an impact on the web to the point of being present in almost any place where the person has their sight.