
What is social assistance? »Its definition and meaning


The objective of social assistance is that all members of a society enjoy the same rights and opportunities. As there are inequalities in all communities, social assistance is aimed at the most disadvantaged. His work is oriented so that all individuals can satisfy their basic needs.

Social assistance is usually carried out through state institutions or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The benefits covered by the specific people or groups with special integration problems.

The Autonomous Laws of Social Services usually prepare a non-exhaustive list of specialized social services; In which they include: the family and childhood (aimed at their protection, prevention of marginalization and promotion of family coexistence, marginalized young people, the elderly, the disabled, drug addiction, prevention, rehabilitation and social reintegration of ex-alcoholics and drug addicts, crime prevention and social reintegration of ex-prisoners, women (to prevent discrimination), ethnic minorities (to avoid discrimination), other groups such as passers-by and the needy, foreigners and immigrants, etc.

Therefore, the Autonomous Communities usually create, organize and manage the technical services of the specialized social services that require the creation, organization and management of large facilities or residential centers that serve the specific groups mentioned. Finally, each specialized social service and its corresponding equipment is the result of its own organization in each Autonomous Community, which in turn creates an individualized legal regime that makes it impossible to carry out a study of each one of them would take us away from the central object of this work.