
What is social science? »Its definition and meaning


Social Sciences is a term aimed at grouping all disciplines that seek the understanding of the human in the environment to which he belongs and his development in other scenarios. Society and how the actions in which man seeks to develop technologies for their better quality of life impact are currently the most studied approaches by these fields of study.

The social sciences are an extensive combination of propositions of the empirical type and the epistemological type that, given their characteristics, do not meet the necessary conditions to carry out scientific studies. We refer then to a small compression problem in which the question arises: Is society really worthy of having a science that studies it ?

This question arises from the interest of those who wish to develop study platforms with man and society as principles, since the variables at stake are not exact. Man is subjective in his decisions, therefore he has the right to decide which way to go, and society has constant and fluctuating changes, either due to culture, politics, climate, education, among others.

For this reason, the social sciences are considered more as a generic term that encompasses everything related to man and society, due to the lack of accuracy of its main objects of study. The man is of rebellious thinking, sense of reason and advanced feelings, colloquially it could be said that: "The human being does not allow himself to be studied"

The sciences generally carry out studies by laboratory scientists, which yield accurate results, the social sciences, despite the struggle and effort to make it happen, has not been able to convince the whole of humanity to carry out such a study.

The philosophy of the social sciences is based on the fact that it must be independent of the doctrines dictated by philosophers, so there is no philosophy as such that states social science as something probable for the exact study. There are incongruities on the subject and there will always be, since human behavior does not allow its free and precise study, an action that science seeks to carry out.