
What is science fiction? »Its definition and meaning


Science fiction is known as one of the many genres that have emerged from fictional literature, as well as fantasy and horror. This emerged as a genre during the 1920s, however it is possible to find works of fictional style from times before this one. The term itself originated from a mistranslation from the English language of the term "science-fiction" which means scientific fiction. Over the years science fiction evolved to the point of being used in various media, such as television, movies and even in comics. After the 50s, this genre had its heyday, thanks to the futuristic plots that aroused great curiosity in the public.

The science fiction genre itself is based on speculation and its credibility is based on scientific knowledge by means of which it is possible to support the arguments of that genre. This represents the greatest difference in terms of fantasy literature, since the latter is based on only imaginary situations and evidence, on the other hand, science fiction seeks that its arguments are based around scientific topics or that they are at least related to The science.

Another characteristic that distinguishes science fiction from other genres is the fact that it is the center of various debates in scientific, philosophical communities and society in general regarding the origins of man, which produces doubts in the population and seeks the answer to this question, it is possible that this is the responsibility of the type of narration of the genre, which takes place in retro futuristic settings.

In general, the situations that happen there tend to have an inventive part, since the context in which they occur is usually the product of the author's imagination and generally these events take place in the future or the past, carrying out feats related to the universe, aliens, robots, mutations, among others and as far as the characters are concerned, they can be human beings, but if they are not, they always have some human traits.