
What is assonance? »Its definition and meaning


Asonance is a rhetorical figure that consists of the repetition of sounds produced by vowels within a sentence or phrase. It is a type of alliteration in which the vowels are only repeated.

A figure that produces a special beauty for a text is assonance. Through this figure, the author of a text can generate a sound effect to the message through the repetition of sounds that cause a musical effect from the repetition of vowels in a phrase.

This resource that can be used in a special way in poetic prose brings a harmony to the text. This type of resource shows that not only what an author says is important, but also the way they express it. By using this resource, the author wants to give a poetically beautiful shape to his words

Assonances acquire meaning in the literary field, while in a colloquial conversation, the search for this resource can be corny. These style devices make words express something in themselves beyond the correct meaning of the word.

Assonance is a resource also used in the composition of lyrics of songs in Spanish when the melodies acquire a musicality that is easily remembered thanks to phrases that end in words that rhyme in assonance. In current poetry, the use of assonances is rare in poetry since the proximity in the text of words that have a similar sound can produce some fatigue. That is to say, assonance in itself and in the appropriate context, well used, is very beautiful. But when this stylistic device is excessively abused, then it is possible to produce a certain fatigue in the reader. If they do, the reader is more attentive to the rhyme itself than to the meaning of the poetic message.

In which case, we seek the possibility of replacing one of these words with another that sounds differently through the construction of free rhyming verses. Poetic tastes are also marked by the subjectivity of the reader. There are poets who when writing poetry take special care that the text does not contain assonances and correct them.