In philosophy, self-care refers to the care and cultivation of oneself in an integral sense, focusing in particular on the soul and the knowledge of the self. Self-care is therefore considered a form of primary care for patients with chronic conditions who self-manage their disease. Self-management is essential and self-management education complements traditional primary care patient education to help patients have the best possible quality of life with their chronic disease. Self-care is learned, purposeful, and ongoing.
In modern medicine, preventive medicine is most closely aligned with self-care. Lack of adherence to medical advice and the appearance of a mental disorder can make self-care difficult. Self-care is seen as a partial solution to the global increase in health care costs that are imposed on governments.
Self-care maintenance behaviors include disease prevention, disease behaviors, and proper hygiene. Disease prevention measures include avoiding tobacco, exercise, and diet. Tobacco use is the largest preventable cause of death and illness in the United States.
By avoiding or quitting tobacco use, you improve overall health and quality of life and reduce your risk of illness and premature death. The benefits of regular physical activity include: weight control, reduced risk of chronic diseases, strengthened bones and muscles, improved mental health, improved ability to participate in daily activities, and greater chance of living longer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate activity each week. Examples of this include brisk walking, swimming, dancing, riding a bike, and even jumping rope.
Otro aspecto importante para el cuidado personal incluye comer frutas y verduras frescas, carnes magras y otras proteínas. Los alimentos procesados deben ser limitados. Limitar las grasas saturadas, grasas trans, azúcares y sodio también contribuirá a una dieta saludabl