The term avatar derives from the Sanskrit "avatâra" which means "descent or incarnation of a god" that gave rise to the French voice "avatar". According to the dictionary of the royal academy, avatar or used more in the plural, refers to succession, phase or period change. For its part, in a technological context or in the world of the internet, that image, graphic or figure, almost always human, is classified as an avatar that is related to a given user with which it identifies. This series of avatars that are generally used can be from photographs, artistic-type drawings to three-dimensional figures, created thanks to the different technologies that exist today.
This avatar is what allows other users to recognize you on the different web pages to which a person can be associated. Each individual has the freedom to use any image or photograph, be it a personal photograph, a logo, a fictitious photo, an abstract entity, among others. It is advisable to think about the identity of the user on the Internet, so it is much better to use your own photograph, in addition to making it as recent as possible.
In the Hindu religion, avatar refers to the materialization or terrestrial personification of a god, especially the one called "Visnu". This deity, venerated by the Hindus, has many avatars, specifically ten according to a Krishnaist painting; In this territory it is manifested that Visnu has undergone several incarnations that among them are Matsia, Kurma, Varaja, Vamaná, Krisná, Kalki, Buddha, Parasuram, Rama and Narasinja, in the center of the figure is Krisná with Radha.