To understand a little what a good diet is, it must be borne in mind that eating is a basic activity of living beings and that it is about eating food to satisfy a need, managing to provide energy for the body and the necessary nutrients for normal development of the individual.
Being a little clearer about what food is, then it can be said that living beings without it do not survive, much less maintain the metabolic functions of the body, which would result in serious health problems, to the point of causing death..
Good nutrition has been one that provides human beings with sufficient nutrients for their development, satisfying the needs of the individual. A good diet should be according to the age of the person, for example, children and adolescents in full growth should eat foods that contribute to their growth, in the case of adults they should eat healthy to avoid conditions that end in cardiovascular diseases, this being the most common and is due to excessive fat intake.
Proteins play a fundamental role for a good diet, it is essential that they are consumed in the three meals of the day, since it contributes to the mental capacity and intellectual performance of the individual. One of the most complex functions of the human brain is learning and therefore a good diet is necessary before putting it into practice.
Physical activity coupled with good nutrition is the perfect combination for the human body to be in balance. Likewise, it is important to note that you should eat a wide variety of foods, including vegetables, greens and fruits. Avoid eating excess saturated fat, as well as excess sugar.