In the area of medicine, the inflammation that occurs in the bursae is called bursitis, which are kinds of bags that contain fluid and these function as shock absorbers between tendons, muscles and bones, avoiding friction between them during movement of the joints.
This pathology produces different symptoms such as pain when pressing the affected area or when it is moved, inflammation and redness of the injured area, usually the affected joints become stiff.
Bursitis can occur in people due to different factors, such as direct injuries to the joints and their excessive use, infections, trauma or rheumatoid arthritis can also be causes of this pathology. These injuries tend to appear mainly in the upper and lower limbs, specifically in the knees, shoulders and feet.
Generally, bursitis occurs when the knees and elbows are supported on rigid surfaces for long periods of time, the excessive use of force that falls on the joints or movements that are carried out frequently for long periods, which can cause the appearance her.
The treatment that is applied requires a variety of anti-inflammatories that do not contain steroids and physiotherapy is suggested, as well as it is necessary to place ice water compresses in the affected area for a few minutes a day for 2 or 3 days in a row, avoid standing For a long time, when sleeping on your side it is advisable to place pillows between the knees to avoid contact and reduce pain, if the patient is overweight, it is advisable to lose weight. In extreme cases, the fluid contained in the bags is usually extracted and corticosteroid injections are applied. Surgical interventions for bursitis are used on very few occasions, however the possibility of their use is not ruled out.
To prevent the appearance of these injuries, it is recommended not to perform repetitive movements in any area of the body and in case of doing so, a previous warm- up should be carried out, in order to achieve that the muscles are strengthened, when performing physical activities that involve movement constant in a specific area, it is advisable to take breaks from time to time, protect the joints to avoid direct blows, have good posture, among others.
There are two types of bursitis, acute and chronic, the first is characterized by redness and increased temperature in the injured area, causing great pain and the main cause of this pathology is gout or infection. On the other hand, the chronic one is usually a consequence of the acute one and also due to some direct injury, in this case there is inflammation and pain in the injury, as a result of this, atrophy in the muscles can be caused.