
What is agricultural capital? »Its definition and meaning


It is defined as agricultural capital, to the investment of money that was used for the purchase of materials necessary for the practice of agriculture, either money of an individual or of the state and said material is bearing fruit, offering monetary benefits to its investors.

The agriculture are techniques used to achieve planting food various plant on land, comprising so all actions taken by humans to modify the natural environment, focusing on the ground to be worked to facilitate cultivation of plants that are of interest to you in production; According to what is going to be sown, the application of different techniques are required that will allow to classify agriculture in different ways.

Depending on their dependence on water, they can be classified as drying and irrigating. Drying agriculture is based on production without the contribution of water by the sowing staff, but will obtain it from the land or from the rains; while irrigated agriculture induces the contribution of water to the hands of the sower or farmer.

Another way to classify agriculture is according to its production levels and its role in marketing, being able to be classified as subsistence agriculture, in which small quantities are grown that cover the food needs of the grower and his family, in agriculture industrial are grown in large quantities to achieve the greatest possible commercialization; According to the space used for agriculture, it can be classified into intensive agriculture where large quantities of food are grown with reduced spaces and extensive agriculture where the demand on natural environments decreases because it uses a greater amount of space.