Coefficient or Intellectual Quotient is a compendium of characteristics of human beings summarized in an estimated result in a numerical quantity, commonly known by its acronym in German " IQ " (Intelligence Quotient). The coefficient is calculated by means of a series of evaluations which allow to determine the extent of the person's intelligence, so that the evaluation indicates what is the response capacity in areas such as general knowledge, specific subjects such as history, mathematics, geography, general science such as physics and chemistry, among other. The IQ of people is also measured by means of tasks and the resolutions that those evaluated give to them, this process is usually carried out in schools, it is measured from time to time and a statistic is kept to determine what the intellectual advancement of the person.
The measurement of the coefficient of people has allowed the country's educational systems to generate categories in which students of little, medium or outstanding academic attitude are established, this has created a series of definitions based on the availability of lifestyles, particularly in the United States. The IQ in education is a fundamental tool when it comes to distributing functions in favor of society in general, in this order of ideas, it is known that there are categories A, B, and C, in which Arepresents the outstanding, people with highly developed IQ, which allows them to be included in projects and careers of virtuous reputation. In category B, people with a medium IQ enter, generally they always excel in some subject or sport, but do not obtain the classification of A due to difficulties in some basic subject. Finally, category C includes those subjects who do not exceed a basic expectation, so they are not included in either B or A, generally, they are people with an inefficient education, with financial limitations, who do not have the opportunity to insert themselves in companies with a higher category.
The concept of Coefficient opens the doors to give answers generated around the word Intelligence, which is nothing more than the capacity acquired by the nutrition process with which the Intellectual Coefficient is measured.