The term inhibit refers to that situation in which a person submits to act under certain parameters, preventing him from maintaining a liberal or libertine behavior, in addition to preventing those natural impulses of human beings from emerging. In the same way, it can refer to those people who, in some way, self-repress their own impulses or, well, feel ashamed of doing a certain activity. In general, the term restrain is related to the fact of containing someone or something, because it can be, according to your perception, inappropriate or immoral.
The act of being self-conscious, in an equally unfavorable case, may be the limitation of behavior due to the constant experience of fear or shame, especially linked to the thinking of the collective that observes the subject. In moderation, it can be an act of prudence, of respect for those in the same space, and a subtle way of maintaining social rules. However, when this is present in situations in which it would be hardly necessary and can harm, to a great extent, those who put it into practice, it may begin to turn into a lewd and constant behavior, which is capable of leading to pictures like social anxiety, diagnosis in which the individual is considered incapable of facing situations related to the social environment.
It should be noted that, normally, this concept is related to inhibition, an act in which one person imposes certain rules on another under which they must behave. This differs from self-consciousness because the latter comes from an internal mechanism, a product of insecurities and frustrations.