
What is the etheric body? »Its definition and meaning


An etheric or subtle body is nothing more than an intermediate element that is divided between the intelligent soul and the physical body, as some philosophies call it. This name comes from astrological and esoteric meanings, which explain this as a spiritual entity. The human being is composed of two bodies, the physical (made up of matter) and the spiritual or esoteric, which are made up of the seven main chakra centers (eight energy points grouped vertically) and a thread of energy that connects each part of the system. nervous, thus the etheric body can eliminate even physical illnesses if that is the case.

It should be noted that the etheric body is always within the physical body, the ether is that intermediate state in matter and pure energy with which we are all endowed. Each genetic information and contact with the other bodies passes directly through the etheric functioning as an intricate network of light, conversely the most subtle bodies can come to manifest through the physical body passing through the energy body, hence the sensation external auras and foreign moods.

One of the functions of the ether (some call it soul) is to transfer life to the physical body, that is why in other disciplines or beliefs it is called the vital body. Over the years, the amount of information accumulates in our body to create energy centers that stores this information, these are the well-known chakras. That etheric body is a detailed biography of the origin of previous lives, accumulation of negative thoughts that can block that system that works regularly and contaminate the free functioning of the ether. The chakras located in the spinal column are the path that makes the etheric bodies circulate, let's take an example: the chakras are the yang, masculine and the subtle or etheric bodies are the yin, feminine, when they are in discord they generate resplendent flashes that disproportionate the energy that physical bodies need in order to recover.

Many times these bodies are mistaken for electromagnetic fields and are mistakenly associated with the aura, the two being completely different things. However, they are united and serve as a link for the other bodies. The etheric body is responsible for the shaping forces and physical sensations. In each reincarnation of man, said body dissolves and is reborn days after physical death.