
What is BMI body mass index? »Its definition and meaning


Body mass index (BMI) is defined as a mathematical ratio that is related to the mass and height that a person has, this value was created by the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet, which is why it is also known as Quetelet index. It should be noted that the same values ​​of the Body Mass Index cannot be applied in children or adolescents since they are in the growth phase and therefore progressively increase in height, just like their muscles, so you get a BMI according to age and sex.

In order to carry out this mathematical calculation, a formula must be applied that is expressed as follows: BMI = mass / height (squared). For its part, mass must be expressed in kilograms and height in meters.

Thanks to this measure it is possible to know if a person is within the average weight considered healthy or if on the contrary it is above the model measure and therefore is suffering from overweight. For its part, body mass represents the amount of matter that is present in the human body and therefore knowing the exact figure of it will allow us to discover if the aforementioned relationship between height and weight is within normal standards or no.

It is important to note that the weight someone has does not say anything important about their health, an example of this is if we make the comparison between two people who have the same weight in this case it would be 800 kg. But one of them is in excellent athletic condition and the other, on the other hand, may be obese. Obviously, this weight could be considered normal in an individual measuring 1.90 m. but not so in someone who measures 1.50 m., in the latter case it would be in the presence of obesity.

On the other hand, there are those who do not fully agree with this index and base their complaints on the fact that it presents serious errors, which makes it unusable if you want to do a health evaluation.