
What is political dissent? »Its definition and meaning


Etymologically the term dissent comes from the Latin "dissensus" which means "disagreement" . Therefore, the dissent refers to the contradiction or disagreement that exists between two or more people who are debating a specific issue.

When this term is linked in the political context, dissent must be based on tolerance and respect for the different opinions that can be found within a political ideology, it is very important that politics develop in a more heterogeneous way, it is that is to say, that they do not have that preference for single thought, that people can express their disagreement or disagreement with those who exercise command, without running the risk of being excluded from the political structure.

The political dissent is a characteristic feature of democratic states, when there is dissension within the political structure of a country, then it is against a communist system or dictatorial. Dissent is a primary factor for democratic governments because it promotes change, rectification, a government must be attentive and listen to all discrepancies or contrary opinions that some sectors of society may have that may not agree with the policies employed for him, whether in economic or social matters.

All the citizens that make up society may have opposing opinions and disagree with some norms or laws imposed by the state and that they consider to be unfavorable or incorrect. The way to resolve a disagreement is through debates, where everyone expresses their point of view and thus avoid possible disputes or confrontations that threaten the union of the group.

Through debates, dissent can be transformed into a consensus (all parties agree), it is very common that when starting a discussion about a problem that is affecting the community, people have different points of view and it is It is possible that many do not agree with the mechanisms that are being established to solve it, which is causing a disagreement between the parties, the important thing is that those people who agree and those who do not, can reach a consensus, although this It does not mean that both parties abandon their points of view, the idea is to solve the problem as best as possible.