
What is a political map? »Its definition and meaning


A map is a geographical reference of the planet earth or a certain region on a specific flat surface, however, the map has a number of varieties, including shapes, such as spherical and hot springs, as is the case with political maps, in which It is done on a small scale that represents both the political and administrative divisions in a territory in order to differentiate them from each other. One of these techniques is to separate the political regions by colors to call it somehow, this facilitates the location of towns, provinces, cities that correspond to a country.

On a political map it is possible to see the contour of the country and understand each limit of its sovereignty and the relations with other border countries. When a city is distinguished they are indicated with a point and when it is a capital it is reflected with a larger point. Sometimes complementary information is usually added, as is the case of ports or train tracks, they can even appear on political maps with geographical definitions but that is always presented in the background. The purpose of that is to educate. The geography of a nation is equivalent to its political situation, so both areas go hand in hand and the map is a tool that complements them.

Through a political map, a national situation can be understood since it shows a geopolitical situation that is projected worldwide. The mapping is solely responsible discipline of the study and elaboration of the maps which in turn influence political maps, being the cartographer term that applies to the person who is professionally engaged in developing them. There are even two types of designs that can be used to visualize the nations through maps, such as:

Physical-political maps: they simultaneously exhibit both natural phenomena and political components.

The distribution of the elements for the creation of a political map allows different points of interest to be marked for those who see it. The type of political organization that is reflected in the maps is also of great importance, the division of territory into parties and municipalities, fiefdoms, Emirates, Neighborhoods, etc. can already be observed.