
What is dysuria? »Its definition and meaning


The dysuria is a term used in the field of medicine to refer to a minor annoyance displayed by people when they finish urinating, usually this happens when the person has an infection in the urine, the individual suffering from dysuria will experiencing an unpleasant sensation of pain when you finish urinating, the possible causes of this condition are the following: suffering from cystitis, kidney stones, endometriosis, bladder cancer, gonorrhea, among others.

Its treatment will depend on the cause that originates it, if for example it originates from a urinary infection then it is advisable to use antibiotics to combat it. The way in which this condition occurs in individuals will depend on their age and sex, when dysuria appears in infants under 2 years of age, babies express their discomfort through crying, regarding sex, and according to the In studies, women are the ones who go to the doctor the most for suffering from dysuria, where almost 70% of patients suffer from a urinary infection, with respect to men, dysuria can be the consequence or the symptom of suffering from urethritis or a disease of the prostate.

However, it is very important that people go to the doctor and discard anything, generally the tests that are performed to obtain a diagnosis are the urine test and the uroculture. Dysuria is a very common symptom in medical consultations, therefore it is essential that you go to the doctor, he will tell you what you really have and apply the corresponding treatment.