
What is extravagant? »Its definition and meaning


The word extravagant refers to those actions or words that, according to established social norms, can go beyond the traditional or common. Similarly, the extravagant is related to what is peculiar, excessively original, weird or strange. It is common for people who seek to be noticed by the environment, or want to stand out from the crowd, resort to extravagant attitudes, modifying from the form of corporal and oral expression, to the clothing they use every day; However, they are those individuals related to the artistic medium that must resort to this behavior to attract the attention of the public, and thus establish the foundations of their career in the world of entertainment, citing as an example Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson or Freddie Mercury.

As it is a correspondence, a package is called extravagant that, due to the fact that it is destined for a population or region other than the one it is in, must be received, in transit, by the local post office. Also, this is the name that the scribes received (men who had the taskcopying or handwriting various documents), which did not have a fixed number, court or court; In other words, they were constantly mobilized from work point. In addition, they are also known under this name, the set of pontifical constitutions or decrees on political and religious issues issued by the Pope (also known as papal bull), which, compiled, form the fundamental bases of canon law, the series of laws under which activities within the Catholic Church are governed