
What is social phobia? »Its definition and meaning


It is known as social phobia or also known as social anxiety to a type of anxiety problem. People with this pathology are characterized by excessive feelings of shyness and inhibition, which gives way to the appearance of a powerful fear. Because of this, people often feel uncomfortable in day-to-day social situations. Those who are affected by social phobia are usually able to interact with their closest family members and with certain close friends. However, the fact of meeting new people, public speaking can cause excessive shyness comes to light.

It should be noted that this is the most common anxiety disorder and at the same time one of the most common within psychiatric disorders.

As with other types of phobias, social phobia is a reaction of fear of something that is not a real danger; however, the mind and body react as if it were a great danger. In other words, the person presents feelings in his body of fear, such as the increase in the frequency of the pulsations and hurried breathing. All these reactions can be included within the resistance or flight response that the body has in the face of such a situation. All these actions are the result of an injection of adrenaline and other chemicals that put the body on alert so that it can fight or, failing that, to escape quickly.

The phobia can be considered a biological that is triggered at the moment in which you feel fear. It is nothing more than a response by the nervous system that alerts the individual about the dangers that are around him so that he can protect himself. In the specific case of social phobia, this response is usually activated very frequently, with excessive force and in situations in which in a common individual it should not be activated correctly. When this happens, the individual becomes paralyzed and feels unable to interact in a specific situation.