
What is phototropism? »Its definition and meaning


Phototropism is known as a natural and organic movement of a plant in the direction of light. This is due to the natural ability of a plant to change direction based on changes in lighting in the environment. When the movement is a response of stimulation towards the light it is a positive tropism and in the opposite case when it is hidden from the light it is known as opposite or negative tropism.

This is known as the hormonal reaction of the plant for its growth, however, both the positive and the negative can exist in the same plant since the root has to hide and the plant as such has to follow the light naturally. There are currently different phototropisms found:

  • Geotropism: the stem and leaves obey light.
  • Hydrotropism: involuntary movement of the plant produced or stimulated by water or humidity.
  • Chemotropism: it is when plants are attracted to chemical substances, this in case the substances are necessary.
  • Thigmotropism: is when the plant has a directional response or physical contact with an object or solid surface.

Phototropism has been exposed to different experiments since the correlation of plants and natural light was discovered, which resulted in the discovery of auxins, which is the mechanism responsible for the response to phototropism in plants which tends To concentrate on the stem and leaf region, when a plant lacks this it can be noticed since the bending towards the light source is little or no.