A chemical element with an atomic number of 64 and an atomic weight equivalent to 157.2, receives the name of Gadolinium and is represented with the symbolism Gd, this chemical compound belongs to the group of lanthanides and its name honors the scientist from Sweden J. Gadolin, who naturally was the first to isolate gadolinium in a pure form since in nature it can only be found in the form of salt with other elements.
This metal has a silvery white color, it is characterized by being totally ductile and malleable, its most common state is oxidized (Gd2O3) being strongly magnetic for iron when it has a low temperature, its obtaining is achieved mainly from monazite sand. This element can be used for the manufacture of control rods in nuclear reactors, due to its wide capacity to capture numerous thermal neutrons, however the ideal isotopes for this work are gadolinium 155, gadolinium 157 and these are not found in abundant quantities being the main reason that the controls do not have a lasting power.
Another use that can be attached to this element is in the construction of microwaves, gadolinium in combination with ytyrium form garnets that when irradiated by a beam of light will emit rays with high thermal values. In the same way as the compounds of its same group, gadolinium can be used to make television screens. Gadolinium is also used for contrasting body radiographs, this chemical compound, when inoculated intravenously, allows a better appreciation of the images when magnetic resonance imaging is performed, especially in the observation of areas such as: the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels in general (arteries and veins), soft tissues such as muscles, fat and skin, brain tissue and mammary glands can also be observed.
Like all lanthanide groups, the main organs that can be affected by this element are the respiratory system and internal tissues such as the liver, at an environmental level it can mainly affect aquatic animals and produces conditions in the soil, which will lead to increase the concentration of this element in humans when it comes into contact with both environments.