
What is management? »Its definition and meaning

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Management, is a word with a feminine name, which refers to one or more people who have as part of their work the task of leading, directing or managing a department of a company, society, community, house that in turn have I charge one or more people. It is also related to a single person such as the manager of the company who is the leader of the same or is called the room where the manager meets with his employees for the most important meetings.

What is management

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The concept of management at a general level is used to define a group of people with leadership skills and great educational preparation whose functions are related to the management of companies, institutions and organizations. The word gives rise to the name of the position held by these people, who are called managers or general directors of the company in question. It is also possible to assign the name of assistant manager to those individuals who are climbing the position and who intend to manage a certain workplace.

In management with an administrative approach, the functions are related to proposing policies that are linked to human resources and providing specific services, but also approving and executing the plans, directions and training programs of the personnel who work in that institution where this administrative strategy is applied.

In addition, another of its functions is the review and approval of the management procedures that are being carried out. As you can see, management is a support medium in every sense of the word and is really key in administrative agencies, companies and institutions.

At first glance, this management administration is in charge of maintaining the success of a company or leading it directly to failure, which is why it is a rather delicate position and not everyone has the capacity to carry it. A manager must have the personality of a leader, coordinator, organizer and maintain objective plans so that everything he does meets the expectations required by the place where he works, otherwise, everything will go wrong and the objectives set will never be met. The manager fulfills a series of functions that are imperative at the time of work.

Functions of a management

For years, the administration and management of companies have been important in many areas, precisely for this reason and in view of the need to evolve and maintain a successful profile in all institutions, a series of functions were created that every manager must perform from the beginning. same moment in which the position is granted.

There were many experts in the area developing fundamental principles for managerial work and although many made sense in the past, they all evolved and combined with new ones until, today, the most important ones began to be taken into account.

Decision making

In the field of administration, management is considered a vital support for administrative institutions and organizations. Thanks to it, it is possible to carry out the provision of social services, human talent, logistics and general resources in a certain company. The management has a operative basis that adheres to the management laws in force according to the territory in which it is going to be applied. The concept of management in this area is quite specific, however, it has a series of functions that are imperative for its correct application.

One of the main elements of management is decision making. How is this done? Planning from the beginning and with a practical approach the direction to be taken. Placing all the viable options on the table and determining which of them is close to the vision or the objectives that are intended to be pursued according to the plans set out and the decisions made, the direction of the company will be affected or benefited, that is why it is necessary to think carefully about the steps to be followed and take the time to act.

The administration

This aspect is extremely important because it is thanks to it that the plans that give direction to the management are born. From the provision of services and logistics to the human resources that are managed in a company, all this is thought by the administration and later executed in the management, however, every manager must have the sense of administration to be able to distribute all the resources that They have been provided and thus materialize the plans that the same administration has provided. They both have many similarities, they also have endless differences, but one does not work without the other.


An investment will always have to be made and it does not matter whether it is public or private management, it is something that cannot be avoided. All managerial functions come together here because investing requires the ability to manage and, in turn, make important decisions regarding available capital and whether any type of investment is worth making in the workplace. It is heavy capital management that is talked about and cannot be taken lightly. The goal of that role is to drive budgets and deliver favorable results.


Defined as one of the most imperative functions of the managerial position, direction is the main focus of a manager, in fact, it is linked to strategic management precisely because each step that is taken comes with a strategy up its sleeve so that the company o institution to be successful in all projects. The direction is not only integrated by the person with managerial positions, but also by the entire work team that make life in that particular workplace. It is based on the result of all the efforts of the staff and that they accomplished their job thanks to the correct leadership.


This function can be related to management and decision making. It is not only based on the control of the company, but the way in which your work team is inspired to move forward and do their job. It manages to make everything more dynamic and the impossible to make sense in a few periods of time. The manager not only occupies the role of leader for the rest of his colleagues, he inspires them to follow a course of total success not only in the company but also in daily life.

Management types

Just as the managerial role has its definition and functions, it also has its types, each one meets different expectations and specific capabilities. Before, the managerial types were not as broad as they are today, but over the years these positions became extremely important, the managerial need multiplied to exorbitant levels and each company or institution grew not only in personnel but also in growth. visions and goals, so more types of management were developed to reach those that exist today. When is a manager necessary? It will be seen below.

Human Resources Management

It is based on managing and developing the procedures, programs and policies of a certain company, so that the organizational structure is effective, proactive, with competent workers capable of carrying out their tasks and endowed with a qualified progressive opportunity. Among its functions is the ability to hire suitable personnel and make them work in the indicated positions, maintain a salary balance and fully guarantee the application and monitoring of labor policies. On the other hand, it seeks to guarantee the protection of employees in terms of health services management and bring benefits to staff.

Operations management

It is based on managing all the resources that are needed to produce the services that a company deserves, as well as the organizational assets. Due to technological innovation, many managerial elements were totally obsolete, that is why the operations figure was created, thus replacing production and guaranteeing a series of new capacities that give freshness to organizations at the labor level and that, in one go otherwise, it benefits them enormously. Here, business security, the correct management and distribution of wages, job performance and the sale of the product are included.

Strategic management

For an organization, institution and body to carry out its projects and finally achieve the objectives that it set, it needs coordination, evaluation, formulation and even the execution of certain elements and functions, on which this type of managerial role is based., to focus your desires in a direction that brings you more profits, fewer losses and traces a prolific path for the future. To get to this point, it is necessary to be very clear about both the strengths and weaknesses of the company and, logically, of the work team.

Financial Management

It is about the stability and balance of the organization's capital. The administration of the company and the distribution of resources is the main objective of financial management, it is one of the most important roles within an institution. It operates directly in the area of ​​treasury, accounting and business financing, although it also has a place in human resources and managerial administration. The operations carried out by the company must be duly registered, as well as the accounting plans and projects. That is another of the main functions of this managerial role that should not be forgotten.

Proyect Management

This discipline manages and distributes the resources of a project that has been planned in advance. For a manager to take this role, he needs more developed administrative and organizational skills than the rest. It is about projecting and materializing all those plans that were thought out in advance and that, thanks to the different steps, are finally about to happen.

Project management is not easy, it takes time and a majority investor who is willing to provide the resources that are needed. Capturing these projects requires exhausting human resources, capital, energy, etc. But in the end, it's worth it. At this point, it's not hard to see that all of these guys have similarities that can't be ignored. In all of them the capacity for administration, vocation, organization and leadership is needed, so this is a profile that without a doubt cannot be altered, much less modified, unless it is in an evolutionary way as long as it generates profits and not losses.

All this in order to guarantee a better scope of objectives and facilitate the work of the company in the future, following the legal, managerial and human regulations. With this, the work team will be effective and the results undeniable.

What is SIC management

The national chronicle information system, which is known in its acronym as SIC, is a platform that requires a username and password to enter. It is a web page aimed at the staff of a company, institution or organization to cover information regarding their health. This system has a manual that explains the correct way to handle the page, administer it, and add or delete personal information, if applicable. The SIC management has a series of tools to prepare the clinical records and the quick load profile.

In the information manual of the web portal, there are all the instructions for handling very well specified, so that the manager or the person in charge of managing the system can carry out cleaning, debugging and all kinds of management using the tools provided by the same page.. In the case of modifying the data of a patient, it is necessary to have at hand the information sheet of each subject and fill in each box with the basic needs that this requires. It is not a complicated system to handle, it is practical and quite useful considering that technology leads the world order.

Bachelor of Management

The central universities of Mexico and other countries of the world have a highly qualified pensum for management. Currently it is quite feasible to start studies in this field due to the amount of demand in companies and the organizational and administrative level it provides. Life is about management and leadership at its best and deciding to study it professionally changes people's lives for the better. In Mexico, you obtain a bachelor's degree in health management, management and finance.

Management FAQ

What is management in charge of?

Management is primarily responsible for the success or failure of a company, as it ensures that each of the members of an organization are capable of subordinating their individual desires to achieve common objectives. To achieve this, it is necessary for management to provide leadership, coordinate internal resources, represent the company before third parties and establish a plan that helps achieve the expected results.

What is strategic management for?

It helps companies to be proactive instead of reactive and allows quantitative and qualitative information to be presented in an organized manner, thus providing security when making decisions in perplexing circumstances.

Why is the budget important to management?

To carry out a controlled management of resources, to keep operations active even in the most difficult economic cycles, to obtain bank financing once liquidity is needed, to have a clearer idea of ​​how to meet certain obligations when buying new machinery or open new branches and to establish strategies that are directed towards what is being sought.

What functions does a management assistant have?

The management assistant is in charge of performing activities or fulfilling certain roles in the organizational business area. The functions that are assigned to an assistant can range from making coffee, answering the phone, checking mail, writing and filing, to directly assisting the manager of the organization in which he is working.

What is the general management of a company in charge of?

The general management is in charge of determining the guidelines and procedures to which all members of the company must adapt, ensuring that the stipulated principles are met and thus maintaining a prosperous and harmonious work environment. It also manages finances and the proper return on money, preventing said organization from going bankrupt.