The health industry is the science that is responsible for recognizing, preventing and assessing health risks physical and mental that cause environmental agents within the site work and can cause illness, discomfort or inefficient workers.
Industrial hygiene originates as a necessity due to industrial development and its harmful effects. All progress leads to economic and technical prosperity, however, it is essential to take precautions that prevent consequences that may be harmful to people and the environment.
In many countries industrial hygiene is included within educational options, and is presented as a technical career.
The adequate implementation of hygiene analyzes and creates changes in the physical, biological or chemical work environment, in order to prevent the appearance of occupational diseases. The objective of industrial hygiene is to improve the conditions of the work environment through the observation and regulation of factors of humidity, ventilation, temperature, bad posture, noise, eye strain, etc. This is why the role of the environmental hygienist will be to identify the different risks to which a person is exposed in their workplace, in addition to training and educating individuals about them.
Industrial hygiene is characterized by identifying which are the pollutants that can affect the health of the worker. Calculate the pollutant measurement; Based on this, the level of the pollutant will be assessed, to later decide whether it is facing a safe or dangerous situation. If it is decided that you are facing a safe situation, only a periodic control will be followed so that the situation remains the same; Now, if, on the contrary, it is decided that the situation is dangerous, measures will have to be taken on the pollutants, through environmental controls.