
What is geological engineering? »Its definition and meaning


Geological engineering is the branch of Engineering that addresses the resolution of problems related to the interaction of man with the geological environment, this being the support of human activities. The Geological Engineer receives different names according to the country to which they belong, that is to say, they adopt the title according to the rules that govern each nation. Some define geological engineering as the discipline responsible for studying all geological factors involved in the location, design, construction, and maintenance of engineering work. Others say that Geological Engineering is the science applied to the study and solution of engineering and environmental problems.

The professional who works in this area of ​​engineering is called a geological engineer. The study of this career will take place at the University and normally involves five years of study; In the first years, the student will learn in depth the basic subjects of engineering and geology and will then deal with their applications.

Among the various career opportunities the breed has are: participating in the foundation and design of containment structures; intervene in the treatment and in the introduction of improvements to a field; design of anti-seismic structures; recover contaminated water, among others.

The geological engineer is a professional, who understands geological advances and methods, as well as the risks and effects caused by man. This also seeks the best possibilities of civil construction, taking care of the impacts that the environment can cause, goes hand in hand with modernity by applying the use of: Computer, Remote Sensing, Geographic information system.

Geostatistics facilitates the application of modernist theories of geology, allowing you to visualize the earth as a single system. The profile of a geology engineer should be: researcher, must study everything related to the field, show concern for the effects in the field, respect the human being regardless of their social status.

A geological engineer, contributes to mitigate the environmental impact, satisfy the supply of water in quantity and quality for human and agricultural use, participates in soil and subsoil studies for the construction of dams, thermoelectric plants, bridges, roads and other works of infrastructure in federal and state public agencies, and in private companies.

Fundamental will be your interaction with geophysical, petroleum, mining and metallurgical engineers, as well as with civil engineers and other graduates of disciplines related to their professional work.