
What is isaac newton? »Its definition and meaning


He was a physicist, theologian, philosopher, alchemist, mathematician and inventor, born, south of Grantham, in Woolsthorpe, a village that was located in the county of Lincolnshire, in England. Your date of birth varies according to the type of calendar. According to the Julian calendar, he was born on Christmas Day (December 25), 1642 and on January 4, 1643, according to the Gregorian calendar.

Posthumous son of Hannah Ayscough and Isaac Newton, since he enters the world three months after the death of his father, who worked as a farmer and had a prosperous life.

At birth, Isaac Newton was very small in size and in poor health, which threatened his death, but he survived, that little boy who would become one of the greatest geniuses in the history of science.

Despite the fact that his mother wanted him to become a farmer, as his father had been, the young man described as silent, thoughtful, calm and full of imagination, decides to study at Grantham Primary School from the age of twelve to seventeen..

By 1661 he began studies in mathematics, under the direction of Isaac Barrow, who was a mathematician, at the University of Cambridge. These studies gave him the title of bachelor in 1665 and by 1668 Newton decided to become a teacher.

He dedicated his life to researching and studying different sciences, which made him a scientist, bringing great discoveries to world history.

Newton was the one who culminated the scientific revolution initiated by Copernicus and continued in the seventeenth century by Kepler and Galileo.

Issac Newton is the creator of what he called the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687), in which he established the law of universal gravitation and the bases of basic mechanics, through the laws that bear his name (the three fundamental laws of motion). In addition, of these three laws, he managed to establish a fourth law, that of universal gravitation, in which he explained exactly the orbits of the planets.

Newton shares the creation of the integral and differential calculus with Gottfried Leibniz. On the other hand, he contributed with mathematics, by developing the binomial theorem and the Newton-Cotes formulas. Likewise, scientific discoveries about light and optics are attributed to him.

Despite having contributed with mathematics, astronomy and optics, his most outstanding contribution to the evolution of man is in the field of physics.

He died on March 20, 1727 according to the Julian calendar and on March 31, 1727 according to the Gregorian calendar, in London, England.