
What is Newton? »Its definition and meaning


The Newton is a measurement found within the International System of Units (SIU), it is represented by the acronym N and is responsible for measuring the force exerted on an object; the name was created to honor the scientist who made it, known as Isaac Newton, who describes that the force applied to any object in a period of one second with a mass of 1kg increases the speed to 1m / s2, According to this, its formulation is: N = kg.m / s2. According to their multiples, these can be classified as: nanonewton (nN) = 10-9 N, micronewton (μN) = 10-6N, kilonewton (kN) = 103N, meganewton (mN) = 106N.

Newton, Isaac was an English physicist, alchemist, mathematician and philosopher recognized worldwide for the contributions he offered to physics, mathematics and the field of chemistry during his years of life; his popularity increased when he described the gravitational law of the universe, thus indicating the first theoretical bases for mechanics by describing laws that bear his name as a slogan; In addition to this, he stood out in his discoveries about the study of light and its capture by optics, also making a presentation on his famous laws of dynamics or known as "Newton's Laws", where he explains the movements that bodies have together with the description of the causes and effectsthat these movements generate. These laws are postulated as:

  1. Inertia Law; Newton's first law:
  2. "Every immobile body remains at rest or exerting a straight movement, unless it is forced to change its state by the influence of a force impressed on it."

  3. Law of interaction; second law of Newton:
  4. "The modification of the movement is directly proportional to the force that is applied, it occurs according to the direction in which the force was printed."

  5. Law of action and reaction; Newton's third law:
  6. "Every action provides the unleashing of an egalitarian reaction and contrary to the direction in which the action was executed, the actions that are executed between two bodies generate a similar reaction but in a totally opposite sense."