
What is a lawyer? »Its definition and meaning


The jurist is that person who with his profession is related to the law and the law, has a typology of upright, honest, sincere and responsible people since for their legal obligations they are required and demanded before the law, they must be humanists who go hand in hand acting as coadjuvants of justice fighting in the defense of compliance with the law, enjoying freedom and character as firmness in defending just causes, with a vocation for professional moral ethics and extensive studies of the laws to defend and enforce them fairly.

The term jurist encompasses a varied number of legal professionals such as court clerks, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, notaries public, registrars, public defenders among many who hold a position of law, being a recognition among the legal community as a jurist for their knowledge and its level reached in the theoretical development of the law; how is the ability and ability to master the Law and understand the legal language with its technical terminology and legal expressions, leading them to find the rules and how cases should be handled, which leads them to know how they should be grouped by file and the degree of these, they are experts in walking fluently through the different branches of law and the judicial system.

Jurists are capable of making judgments having assimilated the interrelation of the litigated cases, reaching simple agreements, with possible data to base better options between the affected parties, these being very skillful in the reasoning of the exposed elements, which is gained with the daily practice of their functions, getting to have a memory management of the codes and precepts of law. Being this career of practice, discussions and elaboration of alternative solutions for cases between theoretical and practical knowledge of daily work.