This is one of the main structures that make up the central nervous system. The spinal cord has originated level of the brainstem and descends along the channel medulla or also known as vertebral canal. It is made up of a total of 31 segments. You could say that this structure is a combination of neurons and glial cells. Among its functions, we can highlight that of transmitting the nervous information from the brain to the rest of the body.
On the other hand, those membranes that cover and protect the spinal cord are the arachnoid, the dura and the pia mater. In those cases in which the spinal cord suffers from some damage, the possibilities of suffering from paralysis are quite high, which is why its protection is very important.
The nerve tissue of the spinal cord is formed within the so-called spinal canal, this measures approximately 45 centimeters and has an average weight of 30 grams. In the upper area it is attached to the medulla oblongata, on the other hand its lower part is fixed at the base of the coccyx. If you study this structure transversely, it is possible to find a substance gray, which is surrounded by a substance colored white.
Regarding damage to the spinal cord, these can have very serious consequences, from loss of sensation and movement in the extremities, as well as in the neck and trunk, to loss of control of the sphincters, through other disorders. It is for this reason that the protection mechanisms available to the spinal cord are of great relevance, these being the cerebrospinal fluid, the epidural space, the vertebrae and the meninges, which contribute to minimize the risk of injury to this structure and in the if it exists, its damage is minimized to the maximum.
La médula espinal se divide en regiones tal y como ocurre con la columna vertebral dichas zonas son el segmento cervical, segmento dorsal y segmento lumbar. En su porción inferior se denomina cono terminal y se ubica generalmente a la altura de la primera vértebra lumbar, todo el espacio que queda y el cual corresponde al canal raquídeo lumbar, da cabida a los nervios raquídeos que recorren un trayecto antes de alcanzar el agujero por donde salen de la columna, dicha porción final se denomina Cauda Equina.