
What is the scientific method? »Its definition and meaning


When talking about the scientific method, we can find different definitions, this is due to the great complexity that lies in its conceptualization; but it can be generally defined as a research method that is used especially in the obtaining or elaboration of that knowledge that comes from the sciences. Various sources expose the term, or call it that set of steps proposed by a discipline with the purpose of acquiring valid knowledge through certain highly reliable instruments, with a normal sequence for formulating and answering questions, which enables researchers to start from a given point A to a point Z with the reliability of obtaining or reaching a correct and legitimate knowledge.

The forerunner of this method, according to various sources, was Galileo Galilei, who was an important Italian astronomer, philosopher, physicist and mathematician, called the father of science, due to the great astronomical observations he made and also for his improvement to the telescope It was then in the seventeenth century that this technique of the scientific method came to life.

That set of steps that are followed in the scientific method are: first, the observation that consists of gathering or compiling certain facts about the problem or matter on which it is investigated; second, the problem statement, here the researcher must address the problem for which the research is carried out; third, the hypothesis, where it is answered in advance, as a consequence of a possible solution to a problem, which appears when trying to explain a particular problem, but which must be verified with experimentation; fourth, experimentation, where the hypothesis is verified, that is, it explains its validity; and fifth, the analysis and conclusions, where after having carried out the previous steps and when obtaining each one of the data, it is determined if the hypotheses that were generated are completely true or not, and when carrying out several similar experiments the same conclusion is always reached, and it is possible to emit a theory.

This series of steps outlined above are generally the most used when using the scientific method, but it is important to say that in addition to these, other additional steps such as documentation, discovery, new questions, among others, are often used.