
What is a mind map? »Its definition and meaning

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A mind map is an organized diagram in which ideas, images, projects, visions and animations are represented so that they contain a partnership between them so that a general and final message is interpreted. This message should be represented by a central globe and around it all the ideas that complement the situation that the initial idea describes. In the same way, they are considered a very useful tool when it comes to memorizing and extracting information, creatively and logically.

Characteristics of a mind map

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There are various types of mind maps, but they always have certain elements in common, such as their radial structure which is formed around the nucleus, the use of words, symbols, lines, images for mind maps and illustrations, in order to present concepts in a logical and simple way.

It is common for it to be a colorful map (especially if it is a mind map for children), since this allows what could be a boring and long presentation of diagrams, to become an easy to remember exhibition that has been organized to detail, to a point where its operation becomes natural. The ideas for making a mind map are broad and can range from the scientific to the home.

This type of diagram can be used in different settings, such as the family environment, such as diagrams made to children, which serve as a tool for teaching within the home. In the same way, in the business area it is used in meetings, courses, trainings, among others.

While in the school environment it is widely used as a learning method, obtaining excellent results, allowing the student to understand complex concepts, as well as the application of summaries to very extensive topics.

Within classrooms, the mind map for children is one of the most widely used teaching tools, as it is characterized by being colorful that catches the child's attention, contributing to their learning.

It is important to highlight that those ideas that are developed apart from the initial one, must cover all the senses allowed by the people to whom the explanation is made, so that in this way it helps the speaker in his study and thus be able to cover all the possible understanding of the field.

Other characteristics that we can mention are:

  • Generally, the main idea is captured by means of an image that is located in the central part of the diagram. The images for mind maps are the most important element of the diagram, so it must be taken into consideration which image will be selected.
  • Its structure is of a radial organic form, made up of nodes that are interconnected between them.
  • The first complementary idea should preferably go at the top of the map, and from there the others in a clockwise direction, in order to recreate it as a story lived from statements.
  • It is important that the illustrations used are easy to understand, that they are directly related to the main image and that they do not deviate from the direction that the other complements follow. The objective of developing good images for mind maps is to be able to attract people visually, this can be achieved by creating a colorful one, it is what is considered ideal.
  • A mind map reinforces the notion of the speaker, so he must know perfectly what should be on his map, to follow the line and avoid problems at the time of the presentation.
  • The mind map should not contain all the information of the idea, on the contrary, a mind map is an intuitive aid, a sketch of what the exhibitor knows and should be aware of, so it is recommended that the map should have the least content possible of text, in order to develop a fluent exposition, without having to resort so much to the use of diagrams.
  • It is important to use varied colors that stand out so that ideas stand out, which stimulates the brain to develop new connections, which is why it is recommended to carry out these types of maps and with well-defined ideas.
  • Each main idea should go hand in hand with a keyword, or an image that is placed on the line with which it is associated.
  • Those ideas that do not have great relevance within the map will be represented by secondary branches, which originate from the main ideas that are directly related to the main theme of the scheme.
  • As an idea moves away from the main axis, its importance will be less.

How to make a mind map

1. In the first place, the main idea must be clear, use few words, using images for a mind map and concrete ideas, for example, in a mind map for children it is recommended to use specific words, and images that capture the child's attention, which will facilitate your learning.

2. It should start in the central part of the page, where the central idea will be placed and highlighted.

3. Develop a kind of brainstorming based on the main concept that is related to the central theme.

4. In order for the most relevant words to stand out, the ideas should be reflected in a clockwise direction, placing them around the central theme and avoiding clutter.

5. Use lines to connect the main ideas with the supporting ones.

6. Circle or box the ideas so that they stand out, in the same way you can underline, color and use images, thus obtaining a colorful mind map.

Differences between a mind map and a concept map

Before you can establish the differences between one and the other, it is necessary that you first clarify what a concept map is. The latter is a scheme that serves as an instrument to graphically and simply order ideas or concepts, with the aim of facilitating learning, using certain elements that connect the ideas and at the same time complement the main idea. See here

1. A concept map, as opposed to a mental one, uses the hierarchy of ideas that are presented in the graph.

2. The mind map is characterized by having greater flexibility, using ideas that are interconnected and developed through spontaneous techniques, such as brainstorming with lots of color, thus being a colorful and attractive mind map for the viewer.

Another aspect is the use of links between ideas by means of lines or branches, thus creating a certain logic, which contributes to rapid and effective learning.

3. The concept map presents a main idea, it has nodes that branch out from a global idea to more specific ideas. Also, use words to connect main and supporting ideas.

4. The main objective of the mind map is that what is learned is through familiar or individual methods, using the spontaneous relationship of ideas. For this reason, they are usually very useful to analyze literary works, such as poems.

5. For its part, the conceptual map aims to structure the idea you want, ordering the data according to the hierarchy of concepts, which helps faster learning, since the elements that compose it can be remembered a lot easier. The use of the conceptual map is recommended for those concepts in which hierarchy levels are described, such as, for example, classifying species.

Mind map example

When it comes to learning, organization or teaching, mind maps are a very helpful element, since they help to increase the effectiveness of the aforementioned elements, using graphic representations of the hand with logic in the content that is exposed, and causing a visual impact on the viewer or reader.

A mind map can have almost anything as its main idea, such as a family one or a WWII one. In the same way, within the field of science in general, its use is widely used, such is the case of the mental map of the cell, Biology or the scientific method. Each of them with the same purpose, to facilitate the understanding of an idea or concept.

Mind mapping programs

Nowadays, thanks to advances in technology, it is possible to create mind maps with the help of some computer programs, and even through the web there is the possibility of creating an online mind map. Among the most important programs, the following stand out.


This program is used to create mind maps online, offering the user the possibility of creating and sharing ideas through digital mind maps. Worldwide, this software is widely used by large companies, such as CNN, PHILIPS, EA Games, etc.

A tool in which the user can create mind maps with the collaboration of other users, of varied themes, such as a mind map for children. In the same way, it is possible to exchange opinions through a chat.


Online software with which maps can be created. It offers two versions, the free and the premium, which has a cost of $ US per month. Like other programs, through it you can develop, edit and publish mind maps with other people.

Using mind maps to present ideas is very useful, especially when the content is extensive, since through them the concepts can be simplified without altering the main ideas.

Using images for a mind map reinforces the ideas that are exposed, in addition they end up acquiring symbolism for the viewer, since, instead of remembering long content of information, they only remember the images that were used, which is why it is for children. great popularity in world class classrooms.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mind Map

What is called a mind map?

It is nothing more than a diagram in which ideas, projects and images are reflected to deepen or make content or information more understandable.

What is a mind map for?

To memorize information with different, more creative and logical mechanisms.

How to create a mind map?

You need balloons, clouds, or drawings that represent the central idea and connect with the rest of the information you are trying to memorize.

How to make a mind map in word?

The word tool has the option of inserting images, arrows, globes and tables for the elaboration of mental and conceptual maps, you just have to go to the "insert" icon and select the shapes that the user likes.

With what programs can I make mind maps?

With, MindMeister or Mindomo.