
What is sea? »Its definition and meaning


The Sea is a large extension or volume of salty water smaller in size than an ocean. These pools of water, like the ocean, have ecosystems, tides and currents, but in definition the seas are groups of water that have names according to the region in which they are found. Culturally, the seas are given symbolic names based on history or events that have occurred there previously. The term sea is also used to indicate everything that comes in large quantities, a sea of ​​tears, a march in which a sea of ​​people walk.

There are two types of seas, open and closed, the open ones are those that have a connection with the closest ocean. Seas such as the Mediterranean and the Caribbean Sea are examples of these as they are defined by the coasts, islands and bays. The open seas connect with the ocean by shallow spaces, also due to the presence of coasts and spas, their depth is much less than that of the ocean.

Closed seas are those lake-shaped bodies of water that are large enough to have such a character. The closed seas are also navigable but by boats of smaller size than those that ply the open seas.

The territorial sea term to the oceanic strip that is attached to the coast and extends out to sea up to 12 nautical miles (about 22.2 kilometers). In this sector of the ocean, a certain state can carry out the full exercise of sovereignty.