The Earth has a total area of approximately 510,072,000 km2, 70% of which is occupied by the sea, that is, 361,132,000 km2. The seas, although smaller than the oceans, is a place teeming with life; from plants to thousands of species of fish. Some intellectuals claim that outer space has been explored much more than the seas and oceans themselves; However, throughout history, a series of data of great importance has been collected, which helps us to know much better how life develops in the depths.
In addition to this, the behavior of the waves in the seas has also been exhaustively investigated, which intensified since the observation of the curious fact of the spontaneous growth of the sea, at certain times. Various studies have yielded some answers on the matter, claiming that the movement is determined by planetary winds (those that experience a long journey across the Earth's surface), the movements of the Earth's rotation, in addition to the characteristics of the coasts. and the continents where they are located.
Generally, it is said that marine and underwater currents act in a similar way. This, in recent years, has been determined as an erroneous belief, since underwater currents behave differently. Similarly, the characteristics of the underwater relief, it should be noted, do not modify in any way the speed or direction of the marine currents. The currents can also be classified, according to their temperature, as warm or cold and, according to their characteristics, they can be oceanic, tidal, wave, density and littoral drift.