
What is masturbation? »Its definition and meaning


The word masturbation is conformed with the Latin roots, in the real academy they define masturbation as " stimulation of the genital organs or erogenous zones with the hand by another means to provide sexual enjoyment ", its lexical components are " manu " which means " hand "," turbare "means," shake, put in disorder and alteration ", the suffix" tion "which is" action and effect ". The masturbation is part of the lives of the people like the sexual habits, because you can say that the behavior sex is healthy.

Masturbation is done by both women and men, due to the stimulation of the genital organs, which is responsible for the functioning that is linked to sexual reproduction, which has elements that generate sexual pleasure, reaching orgasm or not. The masturbation can be performed by one person alone or as stipulation that is done on the genitals of another individual having the same pleasant purposes and passes in mutual masturbation is when stimulating two or more subjects without the need has penetration such as vaginal, anal or oralIt can be said that the most common is that they do it with their hands but also various sex toys can be used, so that they can have that type of excitement.

In addition, mutual masturbation is seen in subjects both in homosexuals and heterosexuals, which occurs as a habitual practice, when they do not have the facility to reach orgasm, because it is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension or as a complementary form to links with penetration. In adolescents, masturbation occurs because they are just getting to know their sexuality or because they do not have a private place to go.

On the other hand, it is said that masturbation can also be practiced if one of the participants suffers from an illness or if they are in the last days of their pregnancy.