Goals can be defined as small objectives that the individual sets to achieve a final objective, which is why, although these two terms, objectives and goals, are used as similar expressions, they have a fundamental difference and that is that the goals are found. raised with an end, while the objectives are goals to be achieved.
Goals originate from the need to achieve something, it is the need to satisfy a desire, the starting point of a goal. When an individual or group of individuals have a need, they immediately begin to establish objectives, later goals are established and it is from these that the steps to follow will emerge that will allow the motivation of those who will carry it out.
The goals are characterized by:
To be specific, a goal must be clear and very well defined. It should not be ambiguous.
Be measurable, that is, it can be quantifiable over time.
It must be adjusted to the reality and the opportunities of the moment.
It must have a time limit.
The goals can be classified into:
Short-term goals: are those that generally take less than a year to materialize. Eg walking every morning, being more punctual in my work, being a little more orderly, etc.
Medium-term goals: these types of goals take more than a year and less than 5 to achieve. Here planning is essential, since these goals are divided into several short-term. Eg: traveling to a place, playing a musical instrument, etc.
Long-term goals: these kinds of goals take a long time (around 10 years) to achieve. Sometimes these goals end up becoming visions, so they need to be specific and with well-planned objectives. Eg: having your own business, buying a car, graduating from a certain degree, etc.
Goals are essential for the development of every person and for other aspects of life as well, for example, in the business environment, every organization requires within its strategic planning the projection of goals that are oriented to the achievement of an objective; For example, if a company aims to be among the best 5 productive companies, it must first set itself the goal of increasing its monthly productivity, in addition to other aspects that help it obtain what it wants.
On a personal level, goals have been the impulse that every individual needs to be able to face challenges and setbacks in order to obtain that general objective. When a young person wants to be a professional, they must first set goals, that is, they must first complete their basic studies, then go to university, pass each of the subjects and finally achieve their goal, which is to be a professional.