
What's Name? »Its definition and meaning


The Name is a word that is designated to any object present on earth: a person, an animal, an inanimate object, a situation, a feeling, all in order that that word that we call a name, serves as a distinctive universal among all others. There are 7 million people in the world, but each one needs a particular name that defines him in front of the other individuals around him. A name can be concrete: which is established from the moment of its creation or birth or it can be abstract and is named from a particular circumstance or a very defined characteristic that it contains.

The field in which names are considered most important is in grammar, in which, nouns are nouns which are divided into 2, proper nouns, are assignments that are made in order to name an individual in concrete: (Maria Rivas, Angélica Tortolero, Félix Rojas) and common nouns, which point to a common class: (boat, table, ship, plane).

For its part, scientific names originate from the correct study of the present taxonomy of the term. They are created from a specialist that I believe, for example: Pasteurization, is due to the French chemist and bacteriologist Luis Pasteur. Names are key in the cognitive process of the human being, they begin to be designated from the beginning of the stages of growth and learning, even, a child learns his name first before understanding the meaning of the word I.