
What is obligation? »Its definition and meaning


Etymologically the word obligation comes from the Latin "obligatĭo, -ōnis", in the real academy it is defined as "that which someone is obliged to do" or "imposition or moral requirement that free will must govern", its lexical components are, the The prefix "ob" means, "confrontation or opposition", "ligare" means "tie" and the suffix "tion" is for "action or effect", an obligation is something that is obliged to fulfill whether it is the payment of the tax and services in the place where you live, a business, among others, another obligation may also be one of the circumstances that is forced to do.

In this area there are various types of obligation that are: legal, moral, social and tax obligation.

The moral obligation refers to the force that the capacity plays over the will, in front of a value, that is why it can be said that it is far from being a force in authority, in society, in the unconscious or in fear of punishment.

The legal obligation is the legal union of the creditor and debtor obligation that are combined, but in this case if the debtor party must comply with an exhibition where the objective of the obligation is that the benefits may consist of giving, making or do not.

The tax obligation is the one that can be included within the legal-tax bond that manifests itself as a result of the application of taxes, but if the tax obligation is breached , a tax penalty will come.

The social obligation is the burden, commitment or obligation of the people who are in a community either individually each or as part of a social group.