
What is obstruction? »Its definition and meaning


It is called “obstruction” to the obstruction, with certain objects, of a small way or path. The use of this can be both concrete (refer to cases of, for example, blockages in road arteries or organs of the human body), as a metaphor to talk about the impediments imposed to carry out an activity (obstruction of justice). The term comes from the Latin word "obstructionis"; It is composed of the prefix "ob-", which translates as "against", in addition to "struere" (to join or pile up) and "-ción", used to give the definition of "action and effect ". There is also talk of obstructionism, a political practice that aims to prevent the making of certain decisions, such as the approval of a law.

In medicine, it is called "obstruction" when a biological material blocks organs in a tubular shape, such as the intestine, or that need, in some way, the entry of oxygen, such as the nose and lungs. In the case of intestinal obstructions, these are caused by the presence of certain medical conditions, such as peritoneal carcinomatosis or superior mesenteric artery syndrome; likewise, its origin can be found in mistakes made during abdominal surgeries. Pulmonary obstructions are also due to the combination of a series of diseases at the lung level, which cause the obstruction of the pathways through which the air reaches the organ.

Parliamentary obstruction, for its part, talks about the measures taken by the people who make up the body, in order that a certain law or project is rejected or whose approval is delayed. This is also known as filibusterism, a technique popularized in Ancient Greece by Cato the Younger.