The word organic refers to the organic origin, when it is part of a living body. This word has been extended to those synthetic compounds made up of the main chemical elements that make up living beings, such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. The meaning of organic has its origin in the Latin organĭcus, which has a great variety of uses. This term is used in some sciences such as Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicine, among others.
What is organic
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The term organic is used to name processes that are associated with life, in addition to referring to substances that are generated through procedures in which living organisms are involved.
In ancient times the definition of this word was " based on living elements ". Despite its breadth or scope, it has ceased to be appropriate from the moment synthetic biological compounds began to be manufactured. Millions of these types of compounds are currently known and this number continues to rise.
Essential meaning of the word organic
Commonly used, organic is used to mean " healthy " or "close to nature." It can also describe foods grown without artificial pesticides or fertilizers. In other uses, organic or organic refers to living things or material that comes from living things. In a more medical sense, it means "related to the organs of the body," and in a legal sense, it describes something that is central to an organization or a government.
What he means by organic in the case of food is that it comes from an agricultural system that avoids the use of man-made fertilizers and pesticides; growth regulators and additives for livestock.
Uses of the word organic
What does the term organic refer to? Well, this word is used to refer to a variety of processes associated with human life.
At present, the term Organic Traffic arises, it refers to all the visits that a user makes to an application or website. For this reason, it is a metric that allows how many users come from searches made in a search engine. Now, other uses and meanings of the word organic are:
Organic trash
Garbage is all the waste of products and materials that are not useful in the life of the human being and therefore are discarded and thrown in the containers and places designated for it. Organic waste is all waste of plant and animal origin, these tend to decompose naturally and faster compared to organic or artificial waste.
The decomposition and odors of organic waste is very noticeable since this garbage begins its decomposition from the second day from the end of its life in good condition.
It is important to note that all the garbage generated in societies, from homes, schools, industries, etc… The waste can be of artificial origin called inorganic garbage and with a vegetable or animal principle called organic garbage.
Its main characteristics are:
- They are highly reusable.
- They break down quickly.
- They are 100% biodegradable.
- Causes less pollution.
Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry or carbon chemistry deals with the study of carbon compounds based on the unique ability of this element to form large chains in which the carbon atoms are linked by covalent bonds.
The name of organic chemistry is a reminder of the time when it was believed that the compounds that make up the tissues of living beings could only be formed from a mysterious vital force, despite this, this expression has been maintained and does emphasis that life is based on the ability of carbon to form complex compounds.
Today this type of chemistry, in addition to supporting biochemistry, supports a very broad industrial activity, which from the distillations of oil (petrochemical) provides fuel, lubricants and synthetic materials, which, like plastics, are part of the daily life of man and also pharmaceuticals.
Organic compounds
An organic compound is anything that is based on carbon. Its bonds are covalent (union between two atoms), between carbon and hydrogen or carbon with carbon, it is synthesized mainly by living beings, however, it can also be synthesized artificially. Compounds of this type constitute the branch of organic chemistry.
Currently about 30,000 inorganic compounds are known, while the number of the best known exceeds one million. Of the latter, a considerable part are compounds produced by some plant or animal organism, but even so, they are more numerous than those that have been synthesized in the laboratory and do not exist in nature, this last group of organic compounds increases day a day.
Some carbon compounds such as native carbon, carbon monoxide and dioxide, mineral carbonates and carbides, are found in the mineral kingdom and are therefore studied in inorganic chemistry.
Organic Law
An organic law or fundamental law is a system of laws that forms the basis of the body of rules of a government, corporation or other organization. A constitution is a particular form of organic law for a sovereign state.
Organic laws are considered a very useful tool when making significant and very important changes in the way in which States or Nations operate, without altering or reformulating their constitutional framework, it would only imply initiating some type of constitutional amendment or a Constituent Assembly, this represents a long and risky process. In this case, the organic law is an intermediate way out for the management of the profound and vital changes for the State.
In Mexico, the following stand out with this character: the Organic Law of the General Congress of the United Mexican States, the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration and the Organic Law of the Federal Judicial Power, among others.
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Organic Environments (or clumps) have developed from plant residues and have been preserved by a high water table (or some other retarding decomposition factor). These deposits are very widespread and are not restricted to any climatic zone.
Organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers are natural additives to the soil, they can make garden work beyond the highest expectations.
Their main benefit is that they work slowly as they must be broken down by soil organisms for their nutrients to be released, and that takes time.
Because they work slowly, nothing is wasted. They are consumed as they are released, unlike chemical fertilizers, which are released immediately into the soil.
Some of them are:
- Crop residues.
- Black water sediments.
- Food processing waste.
- Municipal garbage.
- Waste from logging.
- The manufacture of wood.
- Organic waste from industries.
- Manure.
Organic coffee
Organic coffee is a coffee made without any type of artificial or chemical substances, such as addictives such as herbicides and pesticides. They are sown under the shade of any other type of larger tree, in this way the soil is kept moist and helps the production of a high quality coffee, in addition different techniques are used in order to improve the soil and make it more fertile.
Organic coffee is grown and produced without synthetic fertilizers or chemicals, which means cleaner beans, air, soil, and water.
Coffee is grown only with organic fertilizers (such as coffee pulp, chicken manure, or organic fertilizer).
Organic farms also cope with climate transformations by producing less carbon than chemical farms, at the same time absorbing significant amounts of carbon.
As a bonus, organic coffee beans are higher in healthy antioxidants, and many people can even tell the difference, and the health of the planet gets a boost.
"> Loading…Organic agriculture
Organic farming is recognized as one of the most reasonable options to regular farming to overcome the crisis of climate change. Organic agriculture is currently practiced in 162 countries around the world on 37.2 million hectares of farmland, representing 0.86% of agricultural land in 2011.
Organic food markets have been increasing since the European Union (EU) Regulation EEC 2092/91 was enacted in 1991. According to Soil Association, 2013, global sales of organic food and beverages reached $ 63 billion in 2008 to 2011.
The increasing importance of this agriculture has created an urgent need to compare the environmental effects of organic and conventional farming techniques.
Because organic agriculture focuses on sustainability, it is often perceived to have fewer detrimental effects on the environment than conventional agriculture, which relies more on external inputs.
Since many people believe that organic foods have higher nutrient content, are more environmentally friendly and are healthier than conventionally produced foods, the demand for organic products is on the rise. However, scientists are not completely convinced that the health claims are fully justified, as the research conducted has not shown consistent results regarding nutrient density.